A blend of essential oils caraway, pine, eucalyptus globules, mint, rosemary, lavender, red thyme, coriander and cardamom.
Caraway essential oil is anti-histamine, i.e., reduces the body's allergic response. So that the mixture takes care of the widening range of needs with an emphasis on treating allergic reactions such as runny nose, phlegm and coughing. Caraway is ,as well, anti – Spasmodic and therefore suitable for the treatment of muscle pain and coughs that do not stop. Caraway is carminative, so it handles stomach gases, and a loaded stomach, because it causes the secretion of gastric juices
Synergy can only be used on children over the age of two months
Synergy is first aid oil
Before winter or during the change of seasons or when starting to feel sick (runny nose, swollen glands…) you can drop one drop of synergy on your pinky and place it on the center of your tongue. During the day have the bottle close on hand and place drops on your tongue. You can use up to 20-25 drops for an adult. It is important to persist
Sore throat, throat infection, vocal cord infection etc. – place a few drops of synergy on your hands and rub them into the neck area a few times a day. In addition place a drop on the tongue (up to 20-25 drops per day for an adult)
Caring for children up to the age of 15 (above they are considered adults) – begin with spreading on the skin carrier oil (also known as vegetable oil, base oil or fixed oil such as- sesame, almond etc.), this in order to protect the delicate skin, on it you can place the synergy. The number of drops will be according to the child's age (up to 1 year old – 1 drop, up to 2 years old – 2 drops, etc.)
Relieving breathing (cold, phlegm, cough) – drop a few drops of synergy on your palms and rub it into the chest (not on the nipples), neck, back, nape and stomach (for adults). For children under the age of 15- first spread carrier oil on the skin and than rub the synergy. The number of drops will be according to the child's age (up to 1 year old – 1 drop, up to 2 years old – 2 drops…)
Runny or clogged nose – for an adult: place 1-3 drops of synergy on your finger, and spread it on both sides of your nose and under your nostrils. Do not place the oil in the nostrils!!! Repeat according to your need
For children: drop 1-2 drops on the shirts lapel. Do not place it on the pillow or mattress, to avoid having it touch their skin upon movement
Sinusitis – when your sinuses are congested, in order to avoid deterioration and relieve the pain, place a few drops of synergy on your fingers, shut your eyes and place the oil on the sinus area (under your cheek bones, on the sides of the nose and your forehead). Repeat according to your need
Ear ache – (for ear infection, liquids in the ear recommended the 'Balancing ear' oil, and for ear ache lavender oil) but when these oils are not available, you can place a few drops of synergy on your fingers and place them on the outer part of the ear (not inside the ear!!!), in front and behind the ear. Cover the ear with a small bowl or with your hand shaped as a bowl for 2-3 minutes. This treatment is suitable for ages 15 and up. For children first place carrier oil on the skin for protection and then the synergy
Lowering fever– children: warm feet gently, place the synergy on each foot, warm the foot again and cover with a blanket or sock. Wait 15 minutes and repeat treatment. In total repeat the treatment three times spacing them 15 minutes apart. Children up to 1 year -1 drop, up to 2 years – 2 drops……up to 15 years – 15 drops, every 15 minutes, three times. You can repeat this session 3-4 times during 24 hours. Space the sessions 3 hours apart
Reducing pain – treating arthritis, muscle pain or any other pain from the neck down. Warm the area, place a few drops, and warm again. Repeat according to need. If there is skin irritation where the synergy was placed, place first carrier oil – such as sesame, almond, olive or vitamin e, and on it the synergy
Head aches – place a few drops on your hands, shut your eyes, and massaging spread the synergy on the aching areas (forehead, temples, base of skull…). Repeat according to need
Digestive system tired or laden – when the food sits heavy in the stomach due to eating too much or not being exact with the food, or having flatulence, place a few drops of synergy on the stomach area (under your ribs on the left side of the stomach) and a drop on the tongue according to need
Nausea – smell synergy or drop a drop on your tongue. According to need
Bad breath – one drop of synergy on the tongue will give a good smell to the breath and disinfect